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Jetton Master

This Jetton Master smart contract provides a framework for Jetton Master that comply with the TEP-0074 standard.


In TEP-0074, each Jetton has a corresponding Jetton Master contract, which stores the basic information of the Jetton, including the total supply, the link to the metadata, the metadata itself, etc., and is used to mint the Jetton.

If you need to get the information of the entire Jetton, you can get it through the get_jetton_data() of the Jetton Master.

struct JettonData {
total_supply: Int as coins; // the total number of issues jettons
mintable: Bool; // flag which indicates whether number of jettons can increase admin_address
admin_address: Address; // address of smart-contrac which control Jetton
jetton_content: Cell; // data in accordance to Token Data Standard #64
jetton_wallet_code: Cell; // code of wallet for that jetton

// @dev get_jetton_data retrieve information of this jetton
get fun get_jetton_data(): JettonData {
return JettonData{
total_supply: self.total_supply,
mintable: self.mintable,
admin_address: self.owner,
jetton_content: self.jetton_content,
jetton_wallet_code: self.calculate_jetton_wallet_init(myAddress()).code
total_supplyintthe total number of issued jettons measured in indivisible units.
mintableintdetails whether new jettons can be minted or not. This value is either -1 (can be minted) or 0 (cannot be minted).
jetton_contentcelldata in accordance with TEP-64.
jetton_wallet_codecellcode of wallet for that jetton

Our Trait

Message Types

For Jetton Master, we define the JettonMint message type for minting Jetton.


message JettonMint {
origin: Address; // address of origin mint request (may be wallet v4)
receiver: Address; // address of receiver
amount: Int; // amount of jettons to mint
custom_payload: Cell?; // optional custom data
forward_ton_amount: Int as coins;
forward_payload: Slice as remaining;
originsliceaddress of origin mint request (may be wallet v4)
receiversliceaddress of receiver
amountintamount of jettons to mint
custom_payloadcelloptional custom data

Must Override Functions

Jetton Master defines the following MUST override functions:

calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address):

Calculate Jetton Wallet's StateInit by Jetton Wallet's owner address.

// @dev  calculate_jetton_wallet_init retrieve init code of a jetton wallet
// @note one MUST override this function in inherited contract
abstract inline fun calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address): StateInit;

Optional Override Functions

Jetton Master defines the following Optional override functions:

_mint_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonMint):

Check if the mint request is valid. For example, check if the sender of the mint request is the owner of the Jetton Master, and if the Jetton can be minted.

// @dev  _mint_validate conduct some custom validating before mint
virtual inline fun _mint_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonMint) {
require(ctx.sender == self.owner, "JettonMaster: Sender is not a Jetton owner");
require(self.mintable, "JettonMaster: Jetton is not mintable");

_mint(ctx: Context, msg: JettonMint):

Mint Jetton and send Jetton Wallet's init code, init data and mint information to Jetton Wallet.

// @dev  _mint mint jettons
virtual inline fun _mint(ctx: Context, msg: JettonMint) {
let initCode: StateInit = self.calculate_jetton_wallet_init(msg.receiver);
self.total_supply = self.total_supply + msg.amount;
to: contractAddress(initCode),
value: 0,
bounce: true,
mode: SendRemainingValue,
body: JettonInternalTransfer{
query_id: 0,
amount: msg.amount,
response_address: msg.origin,
from: myAddress(),
forward_ton_amount: msg.forward_ton_amount,
forward_payload: msg.forward_payload
code: initCode.code,

_burn_notification_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonBurnNotification):

Check if the burn request is valid. For example, check if the sender of the burn request is a Jetton Wallet.

// @dev  _burn_notification_validate perform some custom validation after receiving JettonBurnNotification sent from Jetton wallet
virtual inline fun _burn_notification_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonBurnNotification) {
let initCode: StateInit = self.calculate_jetton_wallet_init(msg.sender);
require(ctx.sender == contractAddress(initCode), "Sender is not a Jetton wallet");

How to use

Basic Usage

To use our Jetton Master Trait, you need to implement a Jetton Master contract and a Jetton Wallet contract, and implement calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address) and other must override functions and init function, for example:

import "@stdlib/deploy";
import "./packages/token/jetton/JettonMaster";
import "./packages/token/jetton/JettonWallet";

contract ExampleJettonWallet with JettonWallet {
balance: Int as coins = 0;
owner: Address;
jetton_master: Address;

init(owner: Address, jetton_master: Address) {
self.owner = owner;
self.jetton_master = jetton_master;

override inline fun calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address): StateInit {
return initOf ExampleJettonWallet(owner_address, self.jetton_master);

contract ExampleJettonMaster with JettonMaster, Deployable {
total_supply: Int as coins = 0;
mintable: Bool = true;
owner: Address;
jetton_content: Cell;

init(owner: Address, jetton_content: Cell){
self.owner = owner;
self.jetton_content = jetton_content;
override inline fun calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address): StateInit {
return initOf ExampleJettonWallet(owner_address, myAddress());

Advanced Usage

If you need to customize the behavior of Jetton Master, you can override the optional override function of Jetton Master and add various functions. For example, if we want to check if the Jetton can be minted when minting Jetton, we can override _mint_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonMint), or if we want to let the User send "Mint:1" directly to the Jetton Master to mint Jetton, we can add a receive("Mint:1") function, for example:

receive("Mint:1") {
let ctx: Context = context();
let msg: JettonMint = JettonMint{
origin: ctx.sender,
receiver: ctx.sender,
amount: ton("1"),
custom_payload: emptyCell(),
forward_ton_amount: 0,
forward_payload: emptySlice()
self._mint_validate(ctx, msg);
self._mint(ctx, msg);

override inline fun _mint_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonMint) {
require(self.mintable, "JettonMaster: Jetton is not mintable");