
Jetton Master

This Jetton Master smart contract provides a framework for Jetton Master that comply with the TEP-0074 standard.


在 TEP-0074 中定義了 Jetton 的標準,其中每種 Jetton 都有對應的 Jetton Master 合約,Jetton Master 會儲存 Jetton 的基本資訊,包含總供給量、metadata 的連結、metadata 本身等等,並且用於鑄造 Jetton。

如果需要拿到整個 Jetton 的資訊,可以透過 Jetton Master 的 get_jetton_data() 來取得。 get_jetton_data() 會回傳一個 JettonData,裡面包含了 Jetton 的基本資訊,大致上如下:

struct JettonData {
total_supply: Int as coins; // the total number of issues jettons
mintable: Bool; // flag which indicates whether number of jettons can increase admin_address
admin_address: Address; // address of smart-contrac which control Jetton
jetton_content: Cell; // data in accordance to Token Data Standard #64
jetton_wallet_code: Cell; // code of wallet for that jetton

// @dev get_jetton_data retrieve information of this jetton
get fun get_jetton_data(): JettonData {
return JettonData{
total_supply: self.total_supply,
mintable: self.mintable,
admin_address: self.owner,
jetton_content: self.jetton_content,
jetton_wallet_code: self.calculate_jetton_wallet_init(myAddress()).code
total_supplyintthe total number of issued jettons measured in indivisible units.
mintableintdetails whether new jettons can be minted or not. This value is either -1 (can be minted) or 0 (cannot be minted).
jetton_contentcelldata in accordance with TEP-64.
jetton_wallet_codecellcode of wallet for that jetton

Our Trait

Message Types

針對 Jetton Master,我們定義了 JettonMint 這個 Message Type,用於鑄造 Jetton。


message JettonMint {
origin: Address; // address of origin mint request (may be wallet v4)
receiver: Address; // address of receiver
amount: Int; // amount of jettons to mint
custom_payload: Cell?; // optional custom data
forward_ton_amount: Int as coins;
forward_payload: Slice as remaining;
originsliceaddress of origin mint request (may be wallet v4)
receiversliceaddress of receiver
amountintamount of jettons to mint
custom_payloadcelloptional custom data

Must Override Functions

Jetton Master 定義了一個必須在子合約中實作的 function:

calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address):

利用 Jetton Wallet 的 owner address 計算 Jetton Wallet 的 StateInit。

// @dev  calculate_jetton_wallet_init retrieve init code of a jetton wallet
// @note one MUST override this function in inherited contract
abstract inline fun calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address): StateInit;

Optional Override Functions

Jetton Master 定義了以下幾個 Optional Override Functions:

_mint_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonMint):

用於檢查 mint request 是否合法,例如檢查 mint request 的發送者是否為 Jetton Master 的擁有者、Jetton 是否可以被 mint 等等。

// @dev  _mint_validate conduct some custom validating before mint
virtual inline fun _mint_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonMint) {
require(ctx.sender == self.owner, "JettonMaster: Sender is not a Jetton owner");
require(self.mintable, "JettonMaster: Jetton is not mintable");

_mint(ctx: Context, msg: JettonMint):

用於 mint jettons,會傳送 Jetton Wallet 的 init code、init data 以及 mint 的資訊給 Jetton Wallet。

// @dev  _mint mint jettons
virtual inline fun _mint(ctx: Context, msg: JettonMint) {
let initCode: StateInit = self.calculate_jetton_wallet_init(msg.receiver);
self.total_supply = self.total_supply + msg.amount;
to: contractAddress(initCode),
value: 0,
bounce: true,
mode: SendRemainingValue,
body: JettonInternalTransfer{
query_id: 0,
amount: msg.amount,
response_address: msg.origin,
from: myAddress(),
forward_ton_amount: msg.forward_ton_amount,
forward_payload: msg.forward_payload
code: initCode.code,
data: initCode.data

_burn_notification_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonBurnNotification):

用於檢查 burn request 是否合法,例如檢查 burn request 的發送者是否為 Jetton Wallet 等等。

// @dev  _burn_notification_validate perform some custom validation after receiving JettonBurnNotification sent from Jetton wallet
virtual inline fun _burn_notification_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonBurnNotification) {
let initCode: StateInit = self.calculate_jetton_wallet_init(msg.sender);
require(ctx.sender == contractAddress(initCode), "Sender is not a Jetton wallet");

How to use

Basic Usage

要使用我們的 Jetton Master Trait,首先需要先實作一個 Jetton Master 合約以及一個 Jetton Wallet 合約,並且實作 calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address) 等等 must override function 以及 init function,例如:

import "@stdlib/deploy";
import "./packages/token/jetton/JettonMaster";
import "./packages/token/jetton/JettonWallet";

contract ExampleJettonWallet with JettonWallet {
balance: Int as coins = 0;
owner: Address;
jetton_master: Address;

init(owner: Address, jetton_master: Address) {
self.owner = owner;
self.jetton_master = jetton_master;

override inline fun calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address): StateInit {
return initOf ExampleJettonWallet(owner_address, self.jetton_master);

contract ExampleJettonMaster with JettonMaster, Deployable {
total_supply: Int as coins = 0;
mintable: Bool = true;
owner: Address;
jetton_content: Cell;

init(owner: Address, jetton_content: Cell){
self.owner = owner;
self.jetton_content = jetton_content;
override inline fun calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address): StateInit {
return initOf ExampleJettonWallet(owner_address, myAddress());

Advanced Usage

如果需要自訂 Jetton Master 的行為,可以 override Jetton Master 的 optional override function 以及新增各種 function,例如我們想要在 mint Jetton 時檢查 Jetton 是否可以被 mint,可以 override _mint_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonMint),或是我們想要讓 User 可以直接傳送 "Mint:1" 給 Jetton Master 來 mint Jetton,可以新增一個 receive("Mint:1") 的 function,例如:

receive("Mint:1") {
let ctx: Context = context();
let msg: JettonMint = JettonMint{
origin: ctx.sender,
receiver: ctx.sender,
amount: ton("1"),
custom_payload: emptyCell(),
forward_ton_amount: 0,
forward_payload: emptySlice()
self._mint_validate(ctx, msg);
self._mint(ctx, msg);

override inline fun _mint_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonMint) {
require(self.mintable, "JettonMaster: Jetton is not mintable");