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Jetton Wallet

This Jetton Wallet smart contract provides a framework for Jetton MastWalleter that comply with the TEP-0074 standard.


In TEP-0074, the standard of Jetton is defined. Each Jetton has corresponding Jetton Wallet contract. Each user will have a corresponding Jetton Wallet for different Jettons. Jetton Wallet is responsible for storing the number of Jettons and providing some basic functions, such as transfer, mint, burn, etc.

If you need to get the information of the entire Jetton Wallet, you can get it through get_wallet_data(). get_wallet_data() will return a WalletData, which contains the basic information of the Jetton Wallet, roughly as follows:

struct WalletData {
balance: Int as coins; // amount of jettons on wallet
owner: Address; // address of wallet owner;
jetton: Address; // address of Jetton master-address
jetton_wallet_code: Cell; // with code of this wallet

// @dev get_wallet_data will return wallet data, which follows TEP 0074 standard
get fun get_wallet_data(): WalletData{
return WalletData {
balance: self.balance,
owner: self.owner,
jetton: self.jetton_master,
jetton_wallet_code: self.calculate_jetton_wallet_init(self.owner).code

Our Trait

Message Types

For Jetton Wallet, we have implemented several Message Types according to TEP-0074, which are used for transfer, burn Jetton, send notification, etc.


If you want to transfer Jetton, you can use JettonTransfer to send to Jetton Wallet. Jetton Wallet will transfer Jetton to the Jetton Wallet owned by destination, and bring back the remaining TON to response_destination.

message(0x0f8a7ea5) JettonTransfer {
query_id: Int as uint64; // arbitrary request number
amount: Int as coins; // amount of jettons to transfer
destination: Address; // address of the new owner of the jettons
response_destination: Address; // address where to send a response with confirmation of a successful transfer and the rest of the incoming message Toncoins.
custom_payload: Cell?; // optional custom payload
forward_ton_amount: Int as coins; // the amount of nanotons to be sent to the destination address.
forward_payload: Slice as remaining; // optional custom data that should be sent to the destination address.


After Jetton Wallet transfer Jetton to others, it will send a JettonTransferNotification to the new owner of the Jetton.

message(0x7362d09c) JettonTransferNotification {
query_id: Int as uint64; // arbitrary request number
amount: Int as coins; // amount of jettons to transfer
sender: Address; // address of the sender of the jettons
forward_payload: Slice as remaining; // optional custom payload


Jetton Wallet will burn Jetton in its own contract.

message(0x595f07bc) JettonBurn {
query_id: Int as uint64; // arbitrary request number
amount: Int as coins; // amount of jettons to burn
response_destination: Address; // address where to send a response with confirmation of a successful burn and the rest of the incoming message coins.
custom_payload: Cell?; // optional custom payload


After Jetton Wallet transfer Jetton to others, if there is remaining TON, it will send a JettonExcesses to the sender of the Jetton.

message(0xd53276db) JettonExcesses {
query_id: Int as uint64; // arbitrary request number


The transfer of Jetton Wallet to other Jetton Wallet or Jetton Master.

For example:

  1. Transfer between Jetton Wallet and other Jetton Wallet: Jetton Wallet sends a JettonInternalTransfer to Jetton Wallet, and Jetton Wallet will transfer Jetton to the Jetton Wallet owned by destination, and bring back the remaining TON to response_destination.

  2. Transfer between Jetton Master and Jetton Wallet: When Jetton Master Mint Jetton to Jetton Wallet, it will send a JettonInternalTransfer to Jetton Wallet.

message(0x178d4519) JettonInternalTransfer {
query_id: Int as uint64; // arbitrary request number
amount: Int as coins; // amount of jettons to transfer
response_address: Address; // address where to send a response with confirmation of a successful transfer and the rest of the incoming message coins.
from: Address; // address of the sender of the jettons
forward_ton_amount: Int as coins; // the amount of nanotons to be sent to the destination address.
forward_payload: Slice as remaining; // optional custom data that should be sent to the destination address.


After Jetton Wallet burn Jetton, it will send a JettonBurnNotification to the Jetton Master.

message(0x7bdd97de) JettonBurnNotification {
query_id: Int as uint64; // arbitrary request number
amount: Int as coins; // amount of jettons to burn
sender: Address; // address of the sender of the jettons
response_destination: Address; // address where to send a response with confirmation of a successful burn and the rest of the incoming message coins.

Must Override Functions

Jetton Wallet defines the following MUST override functions:

calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address):

Calculate Jetton Wallet's StateInit by Jetton Wallet's owner address.

// @dev  calculate_jetton_wallet_init will get init code of a jetton wallet by provided it's owner address
// @note one MUST override this function and return state init of the inherited jetton wallet implementation
abstract inline fun calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address): StateInit;

Optional Override Functions

Jetton Wallet defines the following Optional override functions:

_internal_transfer_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonInternalTransfer):

Check whether the internal transfer message is legal, for example, check whether the sender is Jetton Master or Jetton Wallet.

// @dev  _internal_tranfer_validate will validate internal transfer message, usually it will check that sender is a jetton master or jetton wallet
// @note this function will triggered on receiving JettonTransfer message
virtual inline fun _internal_transfer_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonInternalTransfer) {
if(ctx.sender != self.jetton_master){
let init: StateInit = self.calculate_jetton_wallet_init(msg.from);
require(ctx.sender == contractAddress(init), "JettonWallet: Only Jetton master or Jetton wallet can call this function");

_internal_transfer_estimate_remain_value(ctx: Context, msg: JettonInternalTransfer):

Estimate the remaining TON after the transfer, which will deduct the storage fee, forward fee and gas consumption.

// @dev  _internal_transfer_estimate_remain_value will estimate remain value after deducting storage fee, forward fee and gas consumption
virtual inline fun _internal_transfer_estimate_remain_value(ctx: Context, msg: JettonInternalTransfer): Int {
let tonBalanceBeforeMsg: Int = myBalance() - ctx.value;
let storage_fee: Int = self.minTonsForStorage - min(tonBalanceBeforeMsg, self.minTonsForStorage);
let remain: Int = ctx.value - (storage_fee + self.gasConsumption);
if (msg.forward_ton_amount > 0) {
remain = remain - (ctx.readForwardFee() + msg.forward_ton_amount);
return remain;

_internal_transfer_notification(ctx: Context, msg: JettonInternalTransfer):

After transfer, notify the owner of the Jetton Wallet.

// @dev  _internal_transfer_notification will send notification to the owner of the jetton wallet
virtual inline fun _internal_transfer_notification(ctx: Context, msg: JettonInternalTransfer) {
if (msg.forward_ton_amount > 0) {
to: self.owner,
value: msg.forward_ton_amount,
mode: SendPayGasSeparately,
bounce: false,
body: JettonTransferNotification{
query_id: msg.query_id,
amount: msg.amount,
sender: msg.from,
forward_payload: msg.forward_payload

_internal_transfer_excesses(ctx: Context, msg: JettonInternalTransfer, remain: Int):

After transfer, send the remaining TON back.

// @dev  _internal_transfer_excesses will send excesses message back after transfer action completed
virtual inline fun _internal_transfer_excesses(ctx: Context, msg: JettonInternalTransfer, remain: Int){
if((msg.response_address != newAddress(0, 0)) && remain > 0){
to: msg.response_address,
value: remain,
bounce: false,
mode: SendIgnoreErrors,
body: JettonExcesses{
query_id: msg.query_id

_burn_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonBurn):

Check whether the burn request is legal, for example, check whether the sender is Jetton Wallet's Owner.

// @dev  _burn_validate will conduct custom checking when receiving JettonBurn message
virtual inline fun _burn_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonBurn) {
require(ctx.sender == self.owner, "JettonWallet: Only owner can burn tokens");

_burn_tokens(ctx: Context, msg: JettonBurn):

Burn Jetton and notify Jetton Master.

// @dev  _burn_tokens will burn tokens and send JettonBurnNotification back to the jetton master
// @note this message is bounceable, if burn action failed, the message will be bounced back, you should increase the balance of the wallet
virtual inline fun _burn_tokens(ctx: Context, msg: JettonBurn) {
to: self.jetton_master,
value: 0,
mode: SendRemainingValue,
bounce: true,
body: JettonBurnNotification{
query_id: msg.query_id,
amount: msg.amount,
sender: self.owner,
response_destination: msg.response_destination

_transfer_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonTransfer):

Check whether the transfer request is legal, for example, check whether the sender is Jetton Wallet's Owner.

// @dev  _transfer_validate will conduct custom checking when receiving JettonTransfer message
virtual inline fun _transfer_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonTransfer) {
require(ctx.sender == self.owner, "Only owner can call this function");


_transfer_estimate_remain_value(ctx: Context, msg: JettonTransfer):

Estimate the remaining TON after the transfer, which will deduct the storage fee, forward fee and gas consumption.

// @dev  _transfer_estimate_remain_value will estimate remain value after deducting storage fee, forward fee and gas consumption
virtual inline fun _transfer_estimate_remain_value(ctx: Context, msg: JettonTransfer) {
let fwd_count: Int = 1;
if (msg.forward_ton_amount > 0) {
fwd_count = 2;
require(ctx.value > fwd_count * ctx.readForwardFee() + 2 * self.gasConsumption + self.minTonsForStorage, "Not enough funds to transfer");

_transfer_jetton(ctx: Context, msg: JettonTransfer):

Transfer Jetton, if the destination doesn't have Jetton Wallet, it will create a Jetton Wallet for the destination.

// @dev  _transfer_jetton will transfer jettons to the jetton wallet of the destination address (owner of jetton wallet)
// @note this message is bounceable, if transfer action failed, the message will be bounced back, you should increase the balance of the wallet
virtual inline fun _transfer_jetton(ctx: Context, msg: JettonTransfer) {
let init: StateInit = self.calculate_jetton_wallet_init(msg.destination);
let receiver: Address = contractAddress(init);
to: receiver,
value: 0,
bounce: true,
mode: SendRemainingValue,
body: JettonInternalTransfer{
query_id: msg.query_id,
amount: msg.amount,
response_address: msg.response_destination,
from: self.owner,
forward_ton_amount: msg.forward_ton_amount,
forward_payload: msg.forward_payload
code: init.code,

How to Use

Basic Usage

To use our Jetton Wallet Trait, you need to implement a Jetton Wallet and a Jetton Master contract, and implement calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address) and other must override functions and init function, for example:

import "@stdlib/deploy";
import "./packages/token/jetton/JettonMaster";
import "./packages/token/jetton/JettonWallet";

contract ExampleJettonWallet with JettonWallet {
balance: Int as coins = 0;
owner: Address;
jetton_master: Address;

init(owner: Address, jetton_master: Address) {
self.owner = owner;
self.jetton_master = jetton_master;

override inline fun calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address): StateInit {
return initOf ExampleJettonWallet(owner_address, self.jetton_master);

contract ExampleJettonMaster with JettonMaster, Deployable {
total_supply: Int as coins = 0;
mintable: Bool = true;
owner: Address;
jetton_content: Cell;

init(owner: Address, jetton_content: Cell){
self.owner = owner;
self.jetton_content = jetton_content;
override inline fun calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address): StateInit {
return initOf ExampleJettonWallet(owner_address, myAddress());

Advanced Usage

If you want to implement your own Jetton Wallet, you can Override Jetton Wallet's Optional Override Functions. For example, if you want anyone to be able to burn Jetton in your Jetton Wallet, you can implement _burn_validate:

override inline fun _burn_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonBurn) {
require(ctx.sender != newAddress(0, 0), "Null address can not burn tokens");