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The ChildRouter contract is a crucial component of the Eventon protocol, responsible for handling various functionalities related to protocol registration, stake management, and interaction with messenger contracts. This documentation provides an in-depth overview of the ChildRouter contract, including its key features, functions, and usage examples.

As the intermediary between the Universal Router and the Messenger, the Child Router has the following functionalities:


The ChildRouter contract serves as an intermediary between the Universal Router and Messenger contracts in the Eventon protocol. It offers a range of functionalities for protocols and users, allowing them to manage event subscriptions, stake TON coins, and interact with messenger contracts. Here are some key aspects of the ChildRouter contract:

  • Protocol Registration: Protocols can register event signals with the ChildRouter, enabling users to subscribe to specific events.

  • Stake Management: Users and protocols can stake TON coins with the ChildRouter to ensure that event signals are efficiently delivered to subscribers.

  • Messenger Interaction: The ChildRouter facilitates the creation and interaction with messenger contracts, which distribute event signals to subscribers.

Contract Details

State Variables

  • owner: Address of the Universal Router.
  • sourceAddress: Address of the protocol associated with this ChildRouter.
  • messengerId: Unique identifier for the messenger.
  • minimumStake: Minimum required stake amount for users and protocols.
  • stakes: Mapping of user or protocol addresses to their respective stake amounts.
  • stakeShares: Mapping of user or protocol addresses to their total stake shares.
  • totalStakeAmount: Total stake amount across all users and protocols.
  • maxUserStakeAmount: Maximum total stake amount allowed for users.
  • totalShares: Total shares representing stake ownership.
  • messengerState: Mapping of messenger IDs to their current state.
  • eventId: The event ID associated with this ChildRouter (default: -1).


The ChildRouter contract is initialized with the following parameters:

  • owner: The address of the Universal Router.
  • sourceAddress: The address of the protocol.
  • minimumStake: The minimum required stake amount.
init(owner: Address, sourceAddress: Address, minimumStake: Int) {
// Initialize contract state variables

Message Types


  • Purpose: Sending an event trigger to notify subscribers of an event.
  • Fields:
    • value: Int: The value associated with the event.
    • address: Address: The address associated with the event.
    • info: EventSignal: Additional information about the event.


  • Purpose: Building a messenger contract for event distribution.
  • Fields:
    • sourceAddress: Address: The protocol's address.
    • eventId: Int: The event ID to subscribe to.
    • maxUserStakeAmount: Int as coins: Maximum stake per user.
    • subscribeFeePerTick: Int as coins: Subscription fee per tick.
    • template: Cell: Callback contract for subscribers.
    • sourceName: String: Protocol's name.


  • Purpose: Building a Child Router contract.
  • Fields:
    • sourceAddress: Address: The protocol's address.
    • eventId: Int: The event ID to subscribe to.
    • maxUserStakeAmount: Int as coins: Maximum stake per user.
    • subscribeFeePerTick: Int as coins: Subscription fee per tick.
    • template: Cell: Callback contract for subscribers.
    • sourceName: String: Protocol's name.


  • Purpose: Creating a callback contract for a user.
  • Fields:
    • walletAddress: Address: Owner address of the callback contract.
    • deadline: Int: Deadline for the message.
    • eventId: Int: The event ID to subscribe to.
    • parameter: Cell: Callback contract parameter.


  • Purpose: Subscribing to an event using a callback contract.
  • Fields:
    • walletAddress: Address: Owner address of the callback contract.
    • deadline: Int: Deadline for the message.
    • eventId: Int: The event ID to subscribe to.
    • callbackAddress: Address: Callback contract address written by the user.


  • Purpose: Registering a protocol for event distribution.
  • Fields:
    • sourceAddress: Address: Protocol's address.
    • template: Cell: Callback contract for subscribers.
    • maxUserStakeAmount: Int as coins: Maximum stake per user.
    • subscribeFeePerTick: Int as coins: Subscription fee per tick.
    • sourceName: String: Protocol's name.


  • Purpose: Notifying a successful protocol registration.
  • Fields:
    • sourceAddress: Address: Protocol's address.
    • eventId: Int: The event ID to subscribe to.
    • maxUserStakeAmount: Int as coins: Maximum stake per user.
    • subscribeFeePerTick: Int as coins: Subscription fee per tick.
    • template: Cell: Callback contract for subscribers.
    • sourceName: String: Protocol's name.


  • Purpose: Creating a message subscriber.
  • Fields:
    • walletAddress: Address: Owner address of the callback contract.
    • callbackAddress: Address: UDC address.
    • eventId: Int: The event ID to subscribe to.


  • Purpose: Notifying a successful message subscriber creation.
  • Fields:
    • callbackAddress: Address: Owner address of the callback contract.


  • Purpose: Notifying a successful User Default Callback (UDC) contract creation.
  • Fields:
    • walletAddress: Address: Owner address of the callback contract.
    • callbackAddress: Address: UDC address.


  • Purpose: Deleting a subscriber from a messenger contract.
  • Fields:
    • walletAddress: Address: Owner address of the callback contract.
    • callbackAddress: Address: UDC address.
    • eventId: Int: The event ID to subscribe to.


  • Purpose: Destroying a messenger contract.
  • Fields:
    • messengerId: Int: Messenger ID to destroy.


  • Purpose: Adding a messenger contract for a protocol.
  • Fields:
    • protocolAddress: Address: Protocol's address.


  • Purpose: Adding stake for a beneficiary.
  • Fields:
    • beneficiary: Address: Beneficiary address.
    • amount: Int as coins: Amount of stake to add.


  • Purpose: Removing stake.
  • Fields:
    • receiver: Address: Receiver address.
    • amount: Int as coins: Amount of stake to remove.


  • Purpose: Collecting fees from subscribers.
  • Fields:
    • `messengerId: Int

`: Messenger ID.

  • fee: Int as coins: Amount of fee to collect.


  • Purpose: Building a User Default Callback (UDC) contract.
  • Fields:
    • owner: Address: Owner address of the UDC.


  • Purpose: Sending an extended message with various parameters.
  • Fields:
    • seqno: Int as uint32: Sequence number of the event.
    • valid_until: Int as uint32: Deadline of the message.
    • signature: Slice as bytes64: Signature of the message.
    • message_parameters: SendParameters: Message payload.


  • Purpose: Sending an off-chain event signal.
  • Fields:
    • eventId: Int: Protocol-defined event identifier.
    • payload: Cell: Optional information for subscribers.


  • Purpose: Notifying a stake action.
  • Fields:
    • amount: Int as coins: Amount of stake.
    • staker: Address: Address of the staker.
    • beneficiary: Address: Beneficiary address.


  • Purpose: Notifying a stake withdrawal.
  • Fields:
    • amount: Int as coins: Amount of withdrawn stake.
    • receiver: Address: Receiver address.


  • Purpose: Notifying a reward claim.
  • Fields:
    • amount: Int as coins: Amount of claimed reward.
    • receiver: Address: Receiver address.

State Variables and Functions

The ChildRouter contract includes several state variables and functions that are essential for its operation:

  • calculateReward(addr: Address): Int: Calculates the reward for a specific user or protocol based on their stake and shares.

  • messengerAddress(sourceAddress: Address, messengerId: Int): Address: Retrieves the address of the messenger contract associated with a specific protocol and messenger ID.

  • messengerInit(sourceAddress: Address, messengerId: Int): StateInit: Gets the initialization data for a messenger contract.

  • udcAddress(owner: Address, parameter: Cell): Address: Retrieves the address of a User Default Callback (UDC) contract associated with a specific owner and parameter.

  • udcInit(owner: Address, parameter: Cell): StateInit: Gets the initialization data for a User Default Callback (UDC) contract.

  • messengerId(): Int: Gets the current messenger ID associated with the ChildRouter.

  • getMessengerState(messengerId: Int): Int?: Retrieves the state of a specific messenger based on its ID.

  • getBalance(): Int: Gets the balance of the ChildRouter contract.