
NFT Auction

實作基礎 TON NFT 拍賣功能


Architecture 透過TON子母合約的優勢,NFT持有者向NFT Auction Market Contract建立專屬的NFT Auction Contract進行拍賣。

Auction Mechanics

  • 這個智能合約 interface 可以在去中心化且靈活的情況下用於 NFT 的拍賣(或僅購買/出售)。
  • 賣家和競標者能夠創建自定義的拍賣和出價,從而實現全面的 NFT 拍賣/銷售機制。

Seller Actions

Auction Customization

  • NFTAddress: 拍賣的 NFT 的地址。
  • reservePrice: 當達到此價格時,拍賣開始,用戶有一段特定的時間來進行後續的更高出價。如果也設置了 buyNowPrice,則最低價格不能大於 buyNowPrice
  • buyNowPrice: 當買家達到此價格時,將自動結束拍賣。
  • auctionEnd: 此競標 NFT 拍賣的期限。
  • defaultAuctionBidPeriod: 指定拍賣在達到最低價格後將持續的時間。每次達到更高的出價後,拍賣將再次持續這段時間。例如,如果拍賣投標期限設置為 x,並且最低價格在時間 T0 達到,則拍賣將在時間 T0+x 結束。但是,如果在時間 T1(其中 T0 < T1 < T0+x)由另一名競標者出價更高,則拍賣結束時間將更新為時間 T1 +x。
  • defaultBidIncreasePercentage: 它確定競標者必須存入的金額,以成為最高競標者。因此,如果出價 X 金額,則下一名競標者必須出價 X + ((X * 出價增加百分比)/10000)。
  • beneficiary: 當拍賣結束時,將收到拍賣的售價發送的指定的 Address。
message SetUpAuction {
nftAddress: Address; // NFT address to be auctioned
reservePrice: Int as coins; // minimum bid price to start the auction timer
buyNowPrice: Int as coins; // price at which the NFT can be directly bought
auctionPeriod: Int as uint256; // time when the auction ends after it starts
beneficiary: Address?; // the address of the beneficiary

Bidder Actions

Auction Participation

  • bidValue: 如果已經有人出價,競標者必須出更高的出價增加百分比金額。但如果這已經滿足,競標者無需出更高於賣家設定的最低價格的出價(在這種情況下,拍賣不會開始)。因此,如果在拍賣上沒有出價,競標者可以指定任何金額。
  • 用戶還可以進行自定義出價,並指定 NFT 接收者,如果他們的出價成功,則 NFT 將轉移給該接收者。

Direct Purchase

  • 在這種情況下,購買者可以以低於立即購買價格的金額進行出價,這不會結束銷售。然後,購買者必須以比之前的低出價金額高的默認百分比金額進行出價。如果競標者指定的金額等於或高於立即購買價格,則銷售將結束,並且 NFT 和購買金額將被轉移。

Addtional functions avaliable

Sellers can

  • 如果拍賣的最低價格尚未達到,或者在出售時隨時提取他們的拍賣。
  • 更新拍賣的最低價格。只有在已經沒有出價超過原始最低價格的情況下,才能進行此操作。
  • 更新拍賣或銷售的立即購買價格。如果在拍賣或銷售上已經進行了出價,並且此更新將意味著此出價現在滿足立即購買價格,則將結束拍賣或銷售,並相應分配 NFT 和出價金額。
  • 接受最高出價金額並結束拍賣或銷售。

Bidders can

  • 在拍賣投標期限已過(最低出價已達到)的情況下,任何用戶都可以結算拍賣並將出價和 NFT 分發給相應的賣家和接收者。
  • 當投標者的 bidValue,被新的投標者的 bidValue 超過時,會將前一筆競價的 bidValue 還給投標者,並更新新的最高競標價格以及競價者。
  • NFT的Seller不能對自己的NFT拍賣競標。

Let's TON it up!!!

With NFTAuctionMarketStandard

Github Repo: https://github.com/Ton-Dynasty/tondynasty-contracts

trait NFTAuctionMarketStandard {
owner: Address;
// Check whether nft is transfered to NFT Auction Market Contract
auctionTransferCheck: map<Int, Int>; // key => hash(sellerAddress and nftAddress), vlaue => 1: set, 0: not set
// Check whether nft auction is over or not
auctionOverCheck: map<Address, Address>; // key => nft auction contract address, value => 1: not over, 0: over

// @dev Default parameters for setting up an NFT auction
virtual const defaultBidIncreasePercentage: Int = 100;
virtual const defaultAuctionBidPeriod: Int = 86400; // 1 day
virtual const minimumSettableIncreasePercentage: Int = 100;
virtual const maximumMinPricePercentage: Int = 8000;

透過繼承 NFTAuctionMarketStandard 快速實作屬於自己的 Auction Contract,可以自行改寫預設基本競價變數。

Seller's Initial NFT Transfer

// @dev Processes the OwnershipAssigned message and updates auction mappings,
// and confirms NFT transfer to the Auction Market.
receive(msg: OwnershipAssigned) {
let ctx: Context = context();
let prev_owner: Address = msg.prev_owner; // Seller Address
let nftAddress: Address = ctx.sender;
let hashSellerNftAddress: Int = self.get_hash_seller_nft_address(prev_owner, nftAddress);
// Set nft transfer checking to 1
self.auctionTransferCheck.set(hashSellerNftAddress, 1);
let payload: Slice = msg.forward_payload;

if(payload.empty() == false) {
self._parse_forward_payload(prev_owner, nftAddress, payload);
  • Seller 向 NFT Item 發送 Transfer message,當 NFT Owner 更改成 Auction Market 後,NFT Item 會發送 OwnershipAssigned message 到 Auction Market Cotnract, 當 Auction Contract 收到訊息後,會紀錄轉移成功。
  • Seller 可以利用 OwnershipAssigned mesage 的 custome_payload 填寫 SetUpAuction 的基本函數,若有填寫 custome_payload,則會同時替 Seller Deploy NFT Auction Contract。
  • custome_payload 並未填寫,則可以再次向 NFT Auction Market contract 傳送 SetUpAuction mesage,並 Deploy NFT Auction Contract。
// @dev Handles the receipt of a SetUpAuction message.
// First, it verifies if the NFT has been transferred to the NFT Auction Market Contract.
// Upon successful validation, it sets up the auction for the specified NFT and deploys
// a new NFT Auction Contract instance for it.
receive(msg: SetUpAuction) {
let ctx: Context = context();
let sellerAddress: Address = ctx.sender;
let hashSellerNftAddress: Int = self.get_hash_seller_nft_address(sellerAddress, msg.nftAddress);
if(msg.beneficiary == null) {
msg.beneficiary = sellerAddress;
// Set up auction info
let auctionInfo: AuctionInfo = self._set_up_auction(sellerAddress, msg.nftAddress, msg.reservePrice, msg.N, msg.auctionPeriod, msg.beneficiary!!); // set up auction
self._set_price_validate(msg.buyNowPrice, msg.reservePrice);
let nftAuctionInit: StateInit = self._nft_auction_init(msg.nftAddress, sellerAddress);
let nftAuctionAddress: Address = self.get_nft_auction_address(msg.nftAddress, sellerAddress);
self.auctionOverCheck.set(nftAuctionAddress, msg.nftAddress);

// Deploy a new NFT Auction Contract
self._build_auction(nftAuctionAddress, auctionInfo, nftAuctionInit);

Post-Auction Contract Establishment

  • 競標者可以向 NFT Auction Contract,發送 Bid message,向此 NFT 競標,message.value 即是投標價格。
  • Auction Market 收到 Bid 訊息後,會先檢查 this auction is still active or not.
// Check if auction is still active.
require(now() < self.auctionEndTime || self.auctionEndTime == 0, "Auction ended");
require(self.isInitialized == 1, "Contract is not initialized");
require((now() < self.auctionBidPeriod) |(self.auctionBidPeriod == 0), "Auction bid period ended");
  • 檢查bidValue是否超過buyNowPrice
let bidValue: Int = ctx.value;
let buyNowPrice: Int = self.auctionInfo.buyNowPrice;
if(bidValue >= buyNowPrice) {
self.auctionInfo.nftHighestBid = bidValue;
// Pay winning bid amount to seller.
// Transfer NFT to buyer
self.isInitialized = 0;
  • 若沒有超過直購價,則會檢查是否有超過目前最高競標價的最低加價比例
let bidIncreaseAmount: Int = (self.auctionInfo.nftHighestBid * (10000 + self.auctionInfo.bidIncreasePercentage)) / 10000;
require(bidValue > bidIncreaseAmount, "Bid doesn't meet the minimum increase requirement");
  • 若有超過加價比例,則會將Previos Highest Bid Value送還給Previos Highest Bidder。
// Send back previous highest bid to previous highest bidder.
let prevNftHighestBidder: Address = self.auctionInfo.nftHighestBidder;
let prevNftHighestBid: Int = self.auctionInfo.nftHighestBid;
let paybackTon: Int = max(prevNftHighestBid - self.minTonsForStorage - self.gasConsumption,0);
to: prevNftHighestBidder,
value: paybackTon,
mode: SendPayGasSeparately,
bounce: false,
body: "Pay bid money back to the prevNftHighestBidder".asComment()
  • Update Highest Bid、Bidder以及Auction Bid Period
// Update highest bid and Transfer ton back to previous highest bidder.
self.auctionInfo.nftHighestBidder = ctx.sender;
self.auctionInfo.nftHighestBid = bidValue;
// If bid value is greater than reserve price, then the auction is being started.
if(bidValue > self.auctionInfo.reservePrice) {
if(self.auctionEndTime == 0) {
// If the auction start, then set the auction end time.

Settling the NFT Auction

  • 當Auction Bid Period結束都沒人提出更高的競價,則任何人都可以向Autction contract發送結算的Message。
  • 若Auction已經開始(競價已經超過reservePrice),Auction結束後,會將BidValue傳送給Seller,並轉移NFT給Bidder。
  • 若Auction尚未開始,則會將NFT轉還給Seller。
// @dev Ends the auction and transfers the NFT to the highest bidder or back to the seller(If autcion not started)
receive("EndAuction") {
// If this auction started, it will transfer NFT to highest bidder.
// Else, it will transfer NFT to seller.
if(self.auctionEndTime > 0) {
// Pay royalty to the creator of the NFT
// TODO: Implement royalty payment

// Pay winning bid amount to seller.
// Transfer NFT to buyer
let buyer: Address = self.auctionInfo.nftHighestBidder;
self.isInitialized = 0;
else {
// Transfer NFT to seller
let seller: Address = self.auctionInfo.nftSeller;
self.isInitialized = 0;
  • 將NFT轉移給新Owner
  • 發送TransferNFT Message給NFT Auction Contract,再將NFT轉移給新Owner
// @dev Transfer the NFT to the highest bidder
// @note If you want change msg value, you should make sure that is enough for NFT Auction market contract to transfer NFT.
virtual inline fun _transfer_nft(buyer: Address) {
to: self.owner,
value: ton("0.06"),
bounce: true,
mode: SendPayGasSeparately,
body: TransferNFT {
nftAddress: self.nftAddress,
seller: self.auctionInfo.nftSeller,
query_id: 0,
new_owner: buyer,
response_destination: buyer,
custom_payload: emptyCell(),
forward_amount: 0,
forward_payload: emptySlice()
  • NFT Auction Contract收到轉移NFT的訊息後,對NFT Item發送Transfer message更換Owner
// @dev Handles the TransferNFT message and facilitates NFT transfer to the auction's winning bidder.
receive(msg: TransferNFT) {
let ctx: Context = context();
let nftAuctionAddress: Address = ctx.sender;
to: msg.nftAddress,
value: 0,
bounce: false,
mode: SendRemainingValue,
body: Transfer {
query_id: msg.query_id,
new_owner: msg.new_owner,
response_destination: msg.response_destination,
custom_payload: msg.custom_payload,
forward_amount: msg.forward_amount,
forward_payload: msg.forward_payload
self.auctionOverCheck.set(ctx.sender, null);
let hashSellerNftAddress: Int = self.get_hash_seller_nft_address(msg.seller, msg.nftAddress);
self.auctionTransferCheck.set(hashSellerNftAddress, null);

Auction Example Code

import "@stdlib/deploy";
import "./packages/token/nft/NFTAuctionMarket";
import "./packages/token/nft/NFTAuction";
contract ExampleNFTAuctionMarket with Deployable, NFTAuctionMarketStandard {
owner: Address;
// Get auction info by seller address and nft address.
nftContractAuctions: map<Int, AuctionInfo>; // key => hash(sellerAddress and nftAddress), value => AuctionInfo
// Check whether nft is transfered to NFT Auction Market Contract
auctionTransferCheck: map<Int, Int>; // key => hash(sellerAddress and nftAddress), vlaue => 1: set, 0: not set
// Get auction info by nft collection address and nft id.
collectionNftIdToAuction: map<Int, Int>; // key => hash(nft collection address and nft id), value => hash(sellerAddress and nftAddress)
// Check whether nft auction is over or not
auctionOverCheck: map<Address, Address>; // key => nft auction contract address, value => 1: not over, 0: over
init(owner: Address) {
self.owner = owner;

// @dev Retrieves the initial state for the NFT auction contract.
override get fun _nft_auction_init(nftAddress: Address, seller: Address): StateInit {
return initOf ExampleNFTAuction(myAddress(), nftAddress, seller);

contract ExampleNFTAuction with NFTAuctionStandard {
owner: Address;
nftAddress: Address;
seller: Address;
auctionInfo: AuctionInfo;
auctionBidPeriod: Int;
isInitialized: Int;
auctionEndTime: Int;

init(owner: Address, nftAddress: Address, seller: Address) {
self.owner = owner;
self.nftAddress = nftAddress;
self.seller = seller;
self.auctionBidPeriod = 0;
self.auctionEndTime = 0;
self.isInitialized = 0;
self.auctionInfo = AuctionInfo {
bidIncreasePercentage: 0,
auctionBidPeriod: 0,
auctionPeriod: 0,
reservePrice: 0,
buyNowPrice: 0,
nftHighestBid: 0,
nftHighestBidder: newAddress(0, 0),
nftSeller: seller,
whitelistedBuyer: seller,
nftRecipient: seller,
beneficiary: seller

Addtional Functions

Revise SetUp Auction

  • 當拍賣還未開始時,Seller可以更改reserve_price以及buyNowPrice
  • 向NFT Autcion Market發送ReviseSetUpAuction message
// @dev Updates auction details after verifying NFT transfer and previous auction setup, then communicates the update to the nftAuctionAddress.
receive(msg: ReviseSetUpAuction) {
let ctx: Context = context();
let sellerAddress: Address = ctx.sender;
let hashSellerNftAddress: Int = self.get_hash_seller_nft_address(sellerAddress, msg.nftAddress);
// Get nft auction address
let nftAuctionAddress: Address = self.get_nft_auction_address(msg.nftAddress, sellerAddress);
if(msg.beneficiary == null) {
msg.beneficiary = sellerAddress;
// Set up auction info
let auctionInfo: AuctionInfo = self._set_up_auction(sellerAddress, msg.nftAddress, msg.reservePrice, msg.buyNowPrice, msg.auctionPeriod, msg.beneficiary!!); // set up auction
self.auctionOverCheck.set(nftAuctionAddress, msg.nftAddress);
let newAuctionInfo: AuctionInfo = self._set_up_auction(sellerAddress, msg.nftAddress, msg.reservePrice, msg.buyNowPrice, msg.auctionPeriod, msg.beneficiary!!); // set up auction
to: nftAuctionAddress,
value: 0,
mode: SendRemainingValue,
bounce: false,
body: ReviseAuction {
reviseAuctionInfo: newAuctionInfo
  • NFT Auction Market會向NFT Auction Contract發送更改訊息
// @dev Allows owner to adjust auction's reserve or buy-now prices.
receive(msg: ReviseAuction) {
let ctx: Context = context();
require(ctx.sender == self.owner, "Only owner can revise auction contract");
require(self.auctionInfo.reservePrice == msg.reviseAuctionInfo.reservePrice || msg.reviseAuctionInfo.buyNowPrice == self.auctionInfo.buyNowPrice, "Cannot update reserve price and buy now price at the same time.");

// Update the reserve price of the auction.
// This can only be done if no bid has been made that already exceeds the original minimum price.
if(self.auctionEndTime == 0 && self.auctionInfo.reservePrice != msg.reviseAuctionInfo.reservePrice && msg.reviseAuctionInfo.reservePrice < self.auctionInfo.buyNowPrice) {

self.auctionInfo.reservePrice = msg.reviseAuctionInfo.reservePrice;
if(self.auctionInfo.nftHighestBid > self.auctionInfo.reservePrice) {
// Update the buy now price of the auction.
// This can only be done if no bid has been made that already exceeds the original minimum price.
if(self.auctionEndTime == 0 && msg.reviseAuctionInfo.buyNowPrice != self.auctionInfo.buyNowPrice && msg.reviseAuctionInfo.buyNowPrice > self.auctionInfo.reservePrice) {
self.auctionInfo.buyNowPrice = msg.reviseAuctionInfo.buyNowPrice;


  • 若Seller想要提前終止拍賣,則可以向NFT Auction Market傳送EndAuction message
// @dev Allows the seller to terminate an auction. 
// It verifies if the auction was previously set and then sends a message to the nftAuctionAddress to conclude the auction.
// It will transfer the NFT to the highest bidder or back to the seller(If autcion not started).
receive(msg: EndAuction) {
// Seller can end auction.
let ctx: Context = context();
let sellerAddress: Address = ctx.sender;
let hashSellerNftAddress: Int = self.get_hash_seller_nft_address(sellerAddress, msg.nftAddress);
let nftAuctionAddress: Address = self.get_nft_auction_address(msg.nftAddress, sellerAddress);
to: nftAuctionAddress,
value: 0,
mode: SendRemainingValue,
bounce: false,
body: "EndAuction".asComment()
  • 若拍賣已經開始,則馬上結標傳送給目前的Highest Bidder,並把BidValue傳送給Seller
  • 若拍賣尚未開始,則將NFT轉換給Seller
// @dev Ends the auction and transfers the NFT to the highest bidder or back to the seller(If autcion not started)
receive("EndAuction") {
// If this auction started, it will transfer NFT to highest bidder.
// Else, it will transfer NFT to seller.
if(self.auctionEndTime > 0) {
// Pay royalty to the creator of the NFT
// TODO: Implement royalty payment

// Pay winning bid amount to seller.
// Transfer NFT to buyer
let buyer: Address = self.auctionInfo.nftHighestBidder;
self.isInitialized = 0;
else {
// Transfer NFT to seller
let seller: Address = self.auctionInfo.nftSeller;
self.isInitialized = 0;

Auction Market Contract Internal Functions && Get Methods

Internal Function:

// @dev Parses payload to extract auction parameters and initializes the auction with provided data.
virtual inline fun _parse_forward_payload(seller: Address, nftAddress: Address, payload: Slice) {
// Parse payload
let beneficiary: Address = payload.loadAddress();
let reservePrice: Int = payload.loadCoins();
let buyNowPrice: Int = payload.loadCoins();
let auctionPeriod: Int = payload.loadUint(256);

// Set up auction info
let auctionInfo: AuctionInfo = self._set_up_auction(seller, nftAddress, reservePrice, buyNowPrice, auctionPeriod, beneficiary); // set up auction
self._set_price_validate(buyNowPrice, reservePrice);
let nftAuctionInit: StateInit = self._nft_auction_init(nftAddress, seller);
let nftAuctionAddress: Address = self.get_nft_auction_address(nftAddress, seller);
self.auctionOverCheck.set(nftAuctionAddress, nftAddress);

// Deploy a new NFT Auction Contract
self._build_auction(nftAuctionAddress, auctionInfo, nftAuctionInit);

// @dev Create and configure a new NFT Auction Contract with the provided auction info.
virtual inline fun _build_auction(nftAuctionAddress: Address, auctionInfo: AuctionInfo, nftAuctionInit: StateInit) {
to: nftAuctionAddress,
value: 0,
mode: SendRemainingValue,
bounce: false,
body: BuildNftAuction {
auctionInfo: auctionInfo
code: nftAuctionInit.code,
data: nftAuctionInit.data

// @dev Validates that the buyNowPrice is higher than the reservePrice.
virtual inline fun _set_price_validate(buyNowPrice: Int, reservePrice: Int) {
require(buyNowPrice > reservePrice, "BuyNowPrice must be greater than reservePrice.");

// @dev Checks if an auction has already been set for the provided NFT address.
virtual inline fun _auction_set_validate(nftAuctionAddress: Address) {
require(self.auctionOverCheck.get(nftAuctionAddress) == null, "Auction was already set for this NFT.");

// @dev Validates that an auction was previously set for the given NFT address.
virtual inline fun _auction_not_set_validate(nftAuctionAddress: Address) {
require(self.auctionOverCheck.get(nftAuctionAddress) != null, "Auction was not set before.");

// @dev Verifies that the NFT was transferred to the auction contract.
virtual inline fun _auction_transfer_validate(hashSellerNftAddress: Int) {
require(self.get_is_auction_transfer_check(hashSellerNftAddress) == 1, "This NFT didn't transfer to NFT Auction Market Contract yet.");

// @dev Initializes an auction for a specified NFT with given parameters such as reserve price, buy now price, and auction duration.
// @note If you want to use custom auction parameters or logic, consider overriding this function and AuctionInfo struct in a derived contract.
virtual inline fun _set_up_auction(sellerAddress: Address, nftAddress: Address, reservePrice: Int, buyNowPrice: Int, auctionPeriod: Int, beneficiary: Address): AuctionInfo {
let hashSellerNftAddress: Int = self.get_hash_seller_nft_address(sellerAddress, nftAddress);
return AuctionInfo {
bidIncreasePercentage: self.defaultBidIncreasePercentage,
auctionBidPeriod: self.defaultAuctionBidPeriod,
auctionPeriod: auctionPeriod,
reservePrice: reservePrice,
buyNowPrice: buyNowPrice,
nftHighestBid: 0,
nftHighestBidder: sellerAddress,
nftSeller: sellerAddress,
whitelistedBuyer: sellerAddress,
nftRecipient: sellerAddress,
beneficiary: beneficiary

NFT Auction需要在知道NFT Auction的Init需要填寫的參數,才有辦法改寫,_nft_auction_init的範例可以在Auction Example Code查看

// @dev Retrieves the initial state for the NFT auction contract.
// @note one MUST override this function to provide NFT Auction initCode
abstract fun _nft_auction_init(nftAddress: Address, seller: Address): StateInit;

Get Methods:

// @dev Determines the NFT auction contract address.
get fun get_nft_auction_address(nftAddress: Address, seller: Address): Address {
let nftAuctionInit: StateInit = self._nft_auction_init(nftAddress, seller);
return contractAddress(nftAuctionInit);

// @dev Generates a hash value based on the seller and NFT address.
get fun get_hash_seller_nft_address(seller: Address, nftAddress: Address): Int {
return beginCell().storeAddress(seller).storeAddress(nftAddress).endCell().asSlice().hash();

// @dev Checks if the auction transfer for a given hash is valid.
get fun get_is_auction_transfer_check(hashSellerNftAddress: Int): Int {
if(self.auctionTransferCheck.get(hashSellerNftAddress) == null) {
return 0;
else {
return 1;

Auction Contract Internal Functions && Get Methods

Internal Function:

// @dev Updates the auction bid period time based on the latest bid and the defined auction bid period
virtual inline fun _update_auction_bid_period() {
self.auctionBidPeriod = now() + self.auctionInfo.auctionBidPeriod;

// @dev Updates the auction end time
virtual inline fun _update_auction_end_time() {
self.auctionEndTime = now() + self.auctionInfo.auctionPeriod;

// @dev Transfer the NFT to the highest bidder
// @note If you want change msg value, you should make sure that is enough for NFT Auction market contract to transfer NFT.
virtual inline fun _transfer_nft(buyer: Address) {
to: self.owner,
value: ton("0.06"),
bounce: true,
mode: SendPayGasSeparately,
body: TransferNFT {
nftAddress: self.nftAddress,
seller: self.auctionInfo.nftSeller,
query_id: 0,
new_owner: buyer,
response_destination: buyer,
custom_payload: emptyCell(),
forward_amount: 0,
forward_payload: emptySlice()

// @dev Transfers the highest bid amount to the seller
virtual inline fun _send_winning_bid_amount() {
let seller: Address = self.auctionInfo.beneficiary;
let winningBidAmount: Int = self.auctionInfo.nftHighestBid;
to: seller,
value: winningBidAmount - ton("0.06"),
mode: SendPayGasSeparately,
bounce: false,
body: "Pay winning bid amount".asComment()

// @dev Initializes the auction end time to 0, allowing the seller to auction the NFT again in the future
virtual inline fun _init_auction_end() {
let ctx: Context = context();
require(ctx.sender == self.owner, "Only owner can init auction end time.");
self.auctionBidPeriod = 0;

Get Methods

// @dev Returns the current auction information
get fun get_auctin_info(): AuctionInfo {
return self.auctionInfo;

// @dev Checks if the auction is initialized and returns the state (1 for initialized, 0 otherwise)
get fun get_is__initialized(): Int {
return self.isInitialized;

// @dev Returns the end time of the auction
get fun get_auction_end(): Int {
return self.auctionEndTime;

// @dev Retruns the auction bid period
get fun get_auction_bid_period(): Int {
return self.auctionBidPeriod;